
Rev. Barry P. Murr
4609 Glendale Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43614

Mission Statement

We the people of Glendale Presbyterian Church believe God is the Supreme Creator who has established a caring community, with the love of Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit He has redeemed and reconciled us.

We are called to be a growing Christ-like family of joyful, faithful followers, each of us using our unique gifts in God’s service and to the glory of God.

Outreach Activities

One Great Hour of Sharing
Our gifts to this annual campaign support ministries of disaster response,
refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that
help people find safe refuge, start new lives, and work together to
strengthen their famlies and communities. Presbyterian Disaster
Assistance receives 36% of undesignated OGHS gifts, while Self-
Development of People and the Presbyterian Hunger Program each
receives 32%.

2 Cents a Meal program is one way the Presbyterian church helps with hunger. Small banks are provided to families who contribute 2 cents for each meal that they have. The money is collected periodically and shared between local and national needs through the Presbytery and Synod.

Feed Your Neighbor at St. Paul’s Kitchen
The congregation supports this mission by donating food – canned goods, boxed goods, etc. and delivering it the 4th Wednesday of each month to St. Paul’s Kitchen. There our volunteers help make grocery bags for people which are then distributed.